Our primary goal is to empower our students, regardless of what their training goals are. We aim to strengthen the mind, body and spirit of our students through the practicing of Martial Arts. We hope to provide each and ever one of our students with the fundamentals and tools to improve their self-confidence, health, and fitness.
The TMA commitment to our students continues throughout your visits to the facility and long after as our top quality instruction and training for all students (of all ages) is what sets us apart. All are welcome here! Children and women will find a safe and supportive environment where they may find their needs properly addressed and appropriate instruction that will enhance their comfort level both inside and out of our academy. Our academy is where we see countless students learn, develop, and excel in the art of Martial Arts.
Our students are our family, and that’s why our business carries our family name.

so you want to compete?
I get this question asked to me on a weekly basis from my fighters, prospective fighters, and people just walking in off the street. 90% of the time my answer will be simple: “When I tell you, that you are ready”. You are more than welcome to express your feelings that you want to fight. In fact this is greatly encouraged! However… when, where, and how that is determined by me and what I see you doing everyday inside and outside the gym.
So you want to fight?
1st: Express your intention to me !
2nd: Listen and heed the words that will follow during that initial conversation. This conversation may be long or short: it depends on the individual.
3rd: Ask yourself the following questions:
Are you ready?
At this moment to step in the ring/cage
Have you been training?
– Ready to diet? (Are you close to our desired fight weight)
– Will you be training more for this fight (Have you stepped up your training?)
Are you ready to promote yourself?
If you want to fight outside of a tournament, you are expected to promote yourself to sell a number of tickets to promote the promotion you are fighting for. It is a big part of the game! You can not just show up on fight day. Are you ready to sell tickets? This is a big part of it!
Are you able to set some time off to take care of medicals?
(Doctor visit, blood work etc.) Don’t wait until the last minute and complain that you’re doing medicals while you’re cutting weight! By the way medicals… are not free!
Are you ready to cut weight?
Have we gone over the proper weight cut?
Have you collected all the proper equipment for your fight?
Approved shin guards, head gear etc.?
Will you be holding yourself accountable for this fight?
You will get training, but are you expecting individual attention? If so, what is your commitment to the team after this fight?
If you want padwork you better be willing to feed pads to your teammates. If you want sparring partners you need to be there to prep them for their fights. Pay it forward because your time is coming.
There is a lot behind taking a fight…
The whole team is involved when you take a fight.
Fighting is a commitment far beyond just getting in the ring.
Before you want to take a fight,
be ready to answer all the questions listed above.
Every fight is scheduled directly by myself or my staff.
Every match is approved by me
to ensure an even match up as well as for your safety.